Tel : (0208) 133 6966

No Ordinary Professional CV Writing Service!

Our CV Writers’ Credentials

We are not one of those companies who use freelancers, many of whom just play CV writing in their spare time. On the contrary, we are just a small team of real CV specialists, with genuine writing backgrounds and degree/masters degree qualifications. Our professional backgrounds include business, IT, management, education/training, marketing, journalism/communications and law.

We have many years of CV writing experience in all fields and at all levels. Significantly, the way we write is different to other companies. Most companies do not work to space constraints (because it is quicker and easier for them to write CVs without constraints). However, the most effective CVs are concise, pertinent and legible. And if you want to achieve this then you need to write succinctly. No one writes CVs as powerfully and succinctly as our writers.